Analysis of Characteristics of Banyumas Batik SMEs as a Basis for Development of Digital Financial Literacy Education Model
Batik SMEs in Banyumas Regency are still experiencing problems regarding digital financial literacy.
This study aims to analyze the characteristics of batik SMEs in Banyumas so that it can be seen what type
of education is following the attributes of batik SMEs in Banyumas. The object of this research is the
Batik MSMEs, who are members of the batik plasma, which was formed by the Berkah Rindang Kinasih
cooperative, totaling 23 Batik SMEs. The method used in this study is a qualitative analysis, and the
development of the model in this study follows the procedure for developing the Four-D model. Based on
the results study, one of the characteristics of batik SMEs is that the business is carried out from
generation to generation, so business management is still traditional. This is the basis for developing a
digital literacy education model.
Keywords: Batik SMEs, Financial, Literacy, Education.
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