An Analysis of Factors Affecting The Discipline of Nurses’ Work Performance In The Inpatient Room of RSU Harapan Purbalingga During The Pandemic
This current Covid-19 pandemic poses new challenges for health workers in the world, especially
for nurses. Nurses are one of the most important parties in the services provided in hospitals due to
the nursing profession is directly related to patients. This condition will certainly increase the
workload and several factors can reduce the nurses‘ work discipline. This research aimed at
analysing factors related to the nurses' work discipline in the inpatient room of RSU Harapan Ibu
Purbalingga. The research method used was observational with a correlative analytic research
design, and the research approach was cross-sectional. The research population was all nurses in the
inpatient room of RSU Harapan Ibu Purbalingga. The simple random sampling technique was
chosen as the sampling technique of this research, which obtained a sample of 50 nurses who met
the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data analysis used was univariate, bivariate, and
multivariate tests. The results of this study found that exemplary leadership, remuneration, and
punitive sanctions had a significant relationship with work discipline which was indicated by a pvalue<
0.05. Therefore, the leaders are expected to give awards to nurses who work and dedicate
themselves well. Meanwhile, sanctions need to give to nurses who violate the rules in order to
improve work discipline so that they can increase dedication and can work optimally.
Keywords:Work discipline, nurse, exemplary leadership, remuneration, punitive sanction
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