Being Creative and Choosing The Best Coping Strategies Based On Emotional Intelligence
The world is facing its greatest enemy, a pandemic. Almost all sectors affected by this situation
including SMEs or Small and Medium Enterprises. This situation forces SME owners to show their
creativity such as creating a new way to adapt so they not only survive in this situation but also for
their business sustainability. This research aims to investigate the individual's internal factors that
can influence their creativity, based on the Theory of Humanistic by Carl Rogers, the tendency of
self-actualization. The inconsistency of the relationship between EI and Creativity, and the limited
research about the relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Coping Strategies, and Creativity in
the economic sphere encourage us to do this research. We assume individuals with high levels of EI
will choose strategies that lead to problem-solving action and showing a high level of creativity.
This research conducted by giving questionnaires to SME owners and using SEM PLS to analyze
the data. Results have shown that EI has a significantly positive relationship with Creativity and
Coping Strategies, but there‘s no relationship between Coping Strategies and Creativity. It is also
shown that Coping Strategies couldn‘t mediate the relationship between EI and Creativity. The
result would help us know how the owners act over the problem and what they need to do during
the pandemic.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Coping Strategies, Creativity, SME.
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