Doctors' Perceptions About Workload on Doctors' Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Emergency Departement
The decline in the performance of doctors in hospitals is one of the problems that cause a decrease
in the quality of patient care in hospitals. a doctor must be able to manage the workload so that his
performance does not decrease. The workload is one of the factors that affect the performance of a
doctor in carrying out services to patients. This study uses a qualitative method to determine the
doctor's perception of the workload at the Harapan Ibu Hospital on performance during the COVID-
19 Pandemic.Data was obtained through in-depth interviews. The analysis of this study uses
descriptive qualitative analysis and the results of the study will present an in-depth picture of the
workload in the hospital emergency department related to performance from the doctor's point of
view. The results obtained are mostly from work experience carried out in large jobs, especially
during the increasing cases of the Pandemic which made it exceed the capacity of the hospital. In
addition, the workload increases such as changes in workflow, psychological health, work
environment, and are added if the level of honesty of patients and families is low. These factors are
cause changes in the doctor's declining performance
Keywords: Workload, Performance, Emergency Departement, COVID-19
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