Employee Perceptionabout Work from Home Policy Duringthe Covid- 19 Pandemic on Employee’s Task Performance at Dinas Pekerjaan Umum of Banyumas Regency
During the Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease-19) pandemic, all efforts have been made by the
government to prevent and suppress the spread of the virus. One of them is by issuing a policy
regarding the Adjustment of the Work System of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and Non State Civil
Apparatus (Non ASN), where there is a change in the arrangement of the official duty schedule
which requires some employees to work from home and some to work in the office alternately.
Employee perceptions are taken into account for the continuous improvement of an organization.
In this case, the perception of employees of the DinasPekerjaanUmum of Banyumas Regency uses
the Employee Perception Scale (EPS) model. There are four constructs that are measured using the
Employee Perception Scale (EPS) model, namely: Confidence and Trust in the Organization
(CTO), Teaching Employees to Solve Problems (TESP), Communicating Information and Needs
within the Organization (CINO), Actively Seeking employee Ideas and Opinions (ASIO). This
study aims tostrategic improvement by knowing employees perceptions of the policy of working
from home (WFH) on the performance of employees duty at the DinasPekerjaanUmum of
Banyumas Regency. This study is a quantitative research with a descriptive design. Samples were
taken as many as 30 samples. It is hoped that the results of this study will produce a good
employees perceptions in accepting the work from home policy and ASN and Non ASN employees
can maximize their contribution to work.
Keywords: Employee Perception, Task Performance, Working During the Covid-19 Pandemic
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