This study is entitled Islamic Work Ethics toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior Mediated by Intrinsic
Motivation. This study aims to examine the analysis of the influence of Islamic work ethics on organizational
citizenship behaviour of teachers with intrinsic motivation as a mediating variable for teachers at the
elementary, junior-high, and high school of Ponpes Ibnu Taimiyyah and Ma'had Al-Faruq. The population in
this study were all teachers at the elementary, junior high, and high school of Ponpes Ibnu Timiyyah and
Ma'had Al-Faruq. The total population was 80 people and by using the simple random sampling method, 66
people were taken as the sample. This type of research is quantitative research with simple linear regression
analysis techniques. Based on the results of this analysis, it is found that the variable islamic work ethics has
a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, Islamic work ethics has a positive influence on
intrinsic motivation (IM), IM has a positive influence on organizational citizenship behavior, and IM
mediates perfectly the relationship between Islamic work ethics on organizational citizenship behavior of
teachers in PonpesIbnu Taimiyyah and Ma'had Al-Faruq.
Keywords:Islamic Work Ethics, Intrinsic Motivation, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
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