The Relationship between Regulatory Focus and Personality to Motivation Leading and Effectiveness of Service
The performance of the village head in Banyumas Regency still needs to be optimized, it can be
seen from the responsibility for the settlement of every village government obligation is still
found to be not on time, which has the impact of funding in the village has not been met by the
village government itself. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between
regulatory focus and personality to lead motivation and work ethic. The research method used is
explanatory research with a population of 152 village heads in 10 sub-districts in Banyumas
Regency. The sample determination technique uses a census, so that the number of samples in this
study as many as 152 people. Data analysis techniques use structural equation modeling partial
least square (SEM-PLS). The results showed that there is a positive relationship between
regulatory focus and personality that affects lead motivation and work ethic.
Keywords: Regulatory, Motivation, Leadership, Ethos.
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