Why Do Inpatient Patients Decide To Outpatient In Covid-19 Pandemic?


  • Teguh Pujianto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Siti Zulaikha Wulandari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Intan Shaferi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


This study aims to find out why patients who have an alternative inpatient, decide to choose outpatient care
at Sinar Kasih Hospital Purwokerto. This study uses descriptive approach, a methodology that aims to
determine the factors that influence the patient's decision to choose outpatient care. The participants in this
study were doctors, nurses and patients in the Emergency Room (ER). By using qualitative methods, indepth
interviews were conducted with 1 ER doctor on duty who is the Head of Service Division, 1 chief and
5 ER staffs, 5 participating patients in the ER. validity data tested using the triangulation method. The results
showed that the main factor considered by inpatient patients to choose inpatientsservice careis the reluctant
to follow procedures during covid-19 pendemic (refuse to be SWAB tested). Besides, some inpatient patients
with covid-19 decide to become outpatient because the limited number of bed availability.
Keywords: Emergency RoomPatients, Inpatients, Outpatients


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