Loyalty Intentions, Satisfaction, Commitment, Trust and Mediating Effects of Customer Involvement at Bank Negara Indonesia Purwokerto Branch Office
Objectives are the purpose of this paper is to determine the mediating impact of customer involvement on
the relationship between relationship quality and antecedent values namely commitment, customer
satisfaction, and trust, and the consequence, namely loyalty intentions in loan customers at PT Bank Negara
Indonesia (Bank BNI) Purwokerto Branch. Design / Methodology is descriptive research design that is
quantitative in nature which was carried out and obtained responses from loan customers was analyzed.
Findings the loan customer manager of Bank BNI Purwokerto branch must be involved in customer
engagement by implementing strategies that can create customer commitment, foster customer satisfaction
and build trust. Facilitating customer engagement can lead to higher loyalty intentions among loan
customers to banking companies. Limitations / Implications of the Research is this investigation provides
a greater understanding of the relationship and the importance of customer engagement theory and its
impact in strengthening the relationship between the factors of customer satisfaction, trust, commitment
and customer loyalty. Practical implications from the managerial overview, it was found that the customer
manager of the Bank BNI Purwokerto branch loan must be involved in customer engagement that
implements strategies that encourage customer commitment, ensure customer satisfaction, and build
confidence. Originality/Value this study provides a view on the role and relationship of relationship quality
as well as value factors with customer engagement, then simultaneously assessed for their role on customer
Keywords: Satisfaction; Trust; Commitment; Customer Engagement; Loyalty Intentions.
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