The Effect of Dental Service Quality Including Structure on Patient Satisfaction in Executive Dental Clinic of Dadi Keluarga General Hospital Purwokerto
Service quality is the most important strategy in service to gain competitive advantage. Analyzing patient
satisfaction and understanding the weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with dental health
service can improve the ability of service providers to attract patients. The main drivers of patient
satisfaction and improving service quality are important for hospital operations. In previous research on the
quality of health services, many used the SERVQUAL method. However, dental services different from
other medical services, it’s because the contact is more personal, intimate, and takes a relatively long time.
Therefore, a suitable method used to assess the dental service quality is the Donabedian method that’s
shows that health care is significantly different and explains that patients' assessment of the health care
quality is more complex than other services. The increasing development of dental services in Purwokerto,
the decrease in the number of patient visits during Covid-19 pandemic have prompted the establishment of
an Executive Dental Clinic in Dadi Keluarga General Hospital that’s the first Executive Dental Clinic in
Banyumas Regency. This research is to determine the effect of dental service quality in Executive Dental
Clinic. The research using quantitative method, the data collection by distributing questionnaires to patients
about the service structure that consist of physical and characteristic staff. The data analysis using
Regression Analysis and Importance Performance Analysis. The results showed that there was an effect of
dental service quality including structure on patient satisfaction in Executive Dental Clinic of Dadi
Keluarga General Hospital.
Keywords: Quality; Dental; Service; Structure; Patient; Satisfaction; Donabedian.
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