The Effect of Motivation, Price and Perceived Quality on Consumer Purchase Decisions of Lenovo Laptops in The Covid-19 Pandemic Era in Purwokerto
The COVID-19 pandemic era has changed the lifestyle of consumers, both in education consumption
activities, dealing with other people, shopping and other activities. The solution used by consumers is to
reduce physical contact to avoid the spread of the virus. According to data from the BPS Banyumas district
in 2020, this has an impact on the number of purchases of technology goods, especially Lenovo laptops by
33.67% of the five laptop products that dominate sales. This study aimed to determine the effect of
motivation, price and perceived quality on consumer purchase decisions of lenovo laptops in the covid-19
pandemic era in purwokerto area. This type of research is quantitative research. The sample in this study
was 100 respondents who were taken by incidental sampling technique. The data analysis technique used
multiple linear regression analysis. The test results show that motivation, price and perceived quality have
a positive and significant impact on consumer purchasing decisions for Lenovo Laptops in Purwokerto.
The most influential factor on consumer purchasing decisions for Lenovo Laptops in Purwokerto is
perceived quality.
Keywords: consumer purchasing decisions; consumer motivation; price; perceived quality
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