The Psychographic and Demographic Profile of Online Thrift Shop Consumers in Tasikmalaya


  • Wiwi Widia Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Refius Pradipta Setyanto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Rio Dhani Laksana Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


The purpose are study aims to describe the consumer's demoghraphics and psychographics of online thrift
shop in Tasikmalaya, as a better understanding in consumer means a better shaping strategy in the industry.
The demoghraphics variables including age and income, while the psychographics variables including
environmentalism and price sensitivity. The methodology are research is considered to be a quantitative
descriptive research which aims to explain the demographic and psychographic profile of online fashion
thrift shop consumers in Tasikmalaya. The data were collected through a survey method among 105
selected individuals who had experiencing thrift-shopping. The participant are collected by convenience
sampling method. The collected data then were analyzed using a cross-tabulation method to obtain the
demoghraphic and psychographic profile of Fashion thrift consumers in Tasikmalaya. Then finding the
study showed that demoghraphically generation Z was the one who mostly does the thrift shop by
63 percent. In terms of income, the study showed lower income people are most likely to expense
at an online thrift shop by 49 percent, though several average income and higher income group of
people also are doing so. Psychographically, most participant who preferred thrift -shopping
consider themselves as an enviromentalist (71% ) yet also price sensitivitist (67%).
Keywords: Thrift shop; fashion; consumer behaviour; psychographic; demoghraphic.


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