The Effect of Hospital Service Quality on Patient Trust and Loyalty (Study at RSU Harapan Ibu Purbalingga)


  • Hayati Isti Fadah Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Weni Novandari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Lantip Rujito Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


The purpose health is a very important sector in dealing with this pandemic outbreak. Hospitals are
advanced health providers who also have very heavy duties and responsibilities and Hospitals are required
to improve quality of service to the community to cope with the pandemic outbreak. Good quality health
services are also expected to be a solution to the impact of the pandemic on hospitals. In this study, the
authors assess the relationship between service quality which consists of three dimensions, quality of
service , interaction quality, quality of environment , and customer trust and customer loyalty. The Result
shown that ,The quality of service outcomes has a positive effect on patient trust , Interaction Quality has a
positive effect on patient trust , quality of environment has not relative on patient trust , and Patient trust
has a positive effect on patient loyalty.The purpose of this paper is to analized service quality dimen ,
authoritarian organizational culture and external job opportunities on turnover at Harapan Ibu Purbalingga
hospital. Design/Methodology/Approach are respondents in this study were 105 patients , who have been
hospitalized for more than 24 hour. The method of data collection is done through questionnaire using likert
scale, using google form . In this study data analysis using SPSS. Findings the results of the analysis show
that service quality which consists of three dimensions, The quality of service, interaction quality, quality
of environment ,have strong relation with customer trust and customer loyalty. Service Quality variable
has a regression coefficient value of 0.918 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05 and t count 3.814 > t Table
1.984, so it can be concluded that has a positive effect on patient trust. The interaction quality variable has
a regression coefficient value of 0.585 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05 and t count 10.349 > t Table
1.984, so it can be concluded that interaction quality has a positive effect on patient trust. .The results of
the regression analysis show that the patient trust variable has regression coefficient value of 0.839 with a
significance of 0.000 <0.05 and t count 17.056 > t Table 1.984, so it can be concluded that patient trust has
a positive effect on patient loyalty. Research Implications the results of this study are expected to be a
reference for management to make further improvements and quality improvements, on the existing
dimensions . Especially in quality of environment dimension, it is a concern to pay attention to things that
can add quality to make it different from other hospitals, improve facilities and equipment in order to
increase patient confidence in the hospital.
Keywords : quality of service; Interaction Quality; quality of environment; trust, loyalty Service Quality;


Annual Report of Harapan Ibu Purbalingga General Hospital 2018, 2019 ,2020

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