The Effect of Trust, Perceived Benefit Perception and Religiosity in the Continuity Intention of OVO - Digital Wallet Services
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of trust, benefit perception and religiosity on
continuance intention of the Digital Wallet services. This study involved 102 respondents, mostly the
MSME business owner in Banyumas District and surrounding areas. The data were analyzed using multiple
regression method, to see if the trust, benefit perception and religiosity affected the continuance intention
of digital wallet services. As a financial technology application, the digital wallet provider should see the
future strategy that will benefit the MSME in supporting their daily transaction activities. The service
provider could see in this study if the trust, perceived benefit perceptions and religiosity could bring an
impact on the implementation of overall strategy provided to support the MSME development.
Keywords: Fintech; digital wallet; trust, perceived benefit perception; continuation intention; religiosity
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