Analysis of Service Recovery Toward Corporate Image at PT PLN (Persero) ULP Banjarnegara
In the mean time, electrical energy has become a major need for the society, so that if there is a service
failure in electrical energy distribution, it will cause customer complaints that affect the corporate image.
Service failure which is followed up with corporate’s good service recovery and understanding to customers
will have a big impact not only in customer response but also customer loyalty. The purpose of this study
was to measure the satisfaction of service recovery felt by customers as a result of service failure and its
impact on the corporate image. Data were collected using questionnaire with 5-point Likert scale on
customers who had made complaints to PLN ULP Banjarnegara. The results of this study showed that
perceived justice had positive effect on service recovery satisfaction and in the end service recovery
satisfaction had a positive effect on corporate image. The managerial implication of this research was about
emphasizing justice and perceived recovery satisfaction in order to improve the corporate image.
Keywords: perceived justice; service recovery; corporate image.
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