The Effect of Perceived Quality and Brand Image on the Purchase Decision of Rapid Test Covid-19 (Case Study at PT. Sarana Megamedilab Sejahtera Purwokerto Branch)
The level of competition in the current era of globalization makes business competition increasingly sharp.
That is, companies are required to consider consumers as one of the most important factors in the market
so that companies get benefits in the form of responses from consumers in making product purchasing
decisions. One of the things that can be highlighted at this time is consumer purchasing decisions for the
Rightsign Brand COVID-19 Rapid Test product. The purpose of this study is to find out how the influence
of perceived quality, brand image, and perceived quality and brand image on the purchasing decision of the
Rightsign Brand COVID-19 Rapid Test at PT. SMS Purwokerto Branch. This research is a survey and
causal research. The method of data collection in this study used the method of interview, observation and
literature study with purposive sampling technique. The analytical tools used in this research are validity
test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis, F-test, and t-test. The results
showed that all variables in the questionnaire were declared valid and reliable and passed the classical
assumption test. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that 81.70 percent of the variation
in purchasing decisions (Y) can be explained by the independent variable (X) in the model, namely
perceived quality and brand image. The results of the F-test and t-test showed that both simultaneously and
each independent variable, namely perceived quality and brand image, significantly influenced the
purchasing decision variables for the Rightsign Brand COVID-19 Rapid Test at PT. SMS Purwokerto
Keywords: Perceived quality; Brand image; Purchasing decisions, COVID-19 rapid test.
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