The Effect of Price and Product Quality on Consumer Purchase Decisions Case Study on Fremilt Product by Relita
Currently, contemporary food and drinks are becoming a trend for millennials. One type of drink that is
growing rapidly is Thai Tea. This drink comes from Thailand, which combines Thai tea with sweetened
condensed milk mixed with warm water. This drink can be served warm or cold depending on taste. The
Fremilt by Relita trademark is one of the Small and Medium Enterprise in Cilacap that sells Thai Tea
products with added bubbles and various flavors such as thai green tea, original thai, and choco thai.
Estimated daily sales of 200 to 500 cups are sold at a selling price of Rp.10.000 ,- per cup. This study aims
to determine the effect of price and product quality on Fremilt by relita. This study uses quantitative
methods by providing online questionnaires to Fremilt by relita consumers. The total sample used is 30
respondents. The results of the study indicate that price and quality have an effect on consumer buying
Keywords: Small and medium enterprise; Rural bank; Covid-19; Business feasibility study.
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