The Influence of Logistics Service Quality on Shipping Services (Study on Consumers of J&T Express, JNE Express, SiCepat, Pos Indonesia and Ninja Express)
This research is motivated by consumer dissatisfaction with the use of delivery services at J&T Express,
JNE Express, SiCepat, Pos Indonesia and Ninja Express. This study aims to determine the effect of
Logistics Service Quality, namely Information Quality, Ordering Procedures, Ordering Release Quantities,
Timeliness, Order Accurancy, Order Quality, Order Conditions, Order Disrepancy Handling, and Personal
Contact Quality, on consumer satisfaction in using delivery services at J&T Express. , JNE Express,
SiCepat, Pos Indonesia and Ninja Express. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with
descriptive type and causal research. The types of data needed for research are primary data and secondary
data. Sampling was done by non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling type, with a total
of 210 respondents. The data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression
analysis to determine the effect of Logistics Service Quality on customer satisfaction. The results of the
analysis of this study indicate that partially the variables Ordering Procedures, Ordering Release Quantities,
Order Conditions and Personal Contact Quality have a significant effect on consumer satisfaction. Then the
results of simultaneous research analysis show that there is a significant influence between Logistics
Service Quality, namely Information Quality, Ordering Procedures, Ordering Release Quantities,
Timeliness, Order Accurancy, Order Quality, Order Conditions, Order Disrepancy Handling, and Personal
Contact Quality. The coefficient of determination shows that the Logistics Service Quality variable has a
significant effect on customer satisfaction by 58.06%, while the remaining 41.94% is approved by other
variables outside this study.
Keywords: Logistics Service Quality; Consumer dissatisfaction; Delivery Services; Shipping Service.
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