The Effect Of Store Atmosphere And Word Of Mouth On Consumer Purchase Decisions At Cafe Traffic Light Koffie Cilacap
Changes in preference, lifestyle, and procedure to enjoy and consume food and drinks such as coffee in
the community encourage culinary entrepreneurs to make innovations by creating a different cafe
atmosphere (Store Atmosphere). Store Atmosphere is one of the factors in attracting consumers to buy
and linger in the café, just to talk and get together for consumers who want to take a break from the
business of their activity and word of mouth promotions, which is indirect promotions carried out by
visitors in the fo
influence purchasing decisions. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Store Atmosphere
(X1) and Word Of Mouth (X2) on consumer purchasing decisions (Y) in the study of Traffic Light Koffie
cafe. The study used quantitative methods by providing online questionnaires to Cafe Traffic Light Koffie
consumers. The total sample used is 100 respondents. The Store Atmosphere is the first factor for visitors
to come to the cafe, and then the next visitor's consideration is the Word Of Mouth from visitors who have
come before.
Keywords: Store atmosphere; Word of mouth; Cafe visitors.
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