A Development Needs Analysis and Perceived Usefulness of Learning Management System (LMS) in E-commerce Learning for Youths


  • Yanuar E. Restianto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Aldila Krisnaresanti Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Nur Chasanah Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Dadang Iskandar Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Nofi Bayu Darmawan Kampus Komerce


The development of information technology (IT) has offered a new paradigm in learning and training
programs. The concept of e-learning has been adopted by many commercial companies to provide training
to their employees using a Learning Management System (LMS). This study aimed to analyze the need for
LMS development for e-commerce training programs and to analyze the expected benefits of LMS by
youths who would learn e-commerce using LMS. Respondents in this study were 141 youths who would
learn e-commerce using LMS, data analysis using descriptive statistics and non-parametric statistical
analysis using binimial tests. Based on the results of the needs analysis for LMS development, it was
concluded that the LMS would be developed,if it had the following functions: it provided 1) online
materials, 2). online assignments, 3). online quizzes, 4). online announcements, 5). online discussion, and
6). online attendance lists. Prospective LMS users expected that the LMS would be developed to be able to
facilitate communication between trainers and trainees, to ease the trainees in getting information and
training materials, to ease the material delivery outside the classroom, to help the process of absorbing
material with discussion forums, and to help trainees in submitting assignments.
Keywords: Learning Management System (LMS); Perceived Usefulness; E-Commerce.


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