
  • Resanti Lestari Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Indonesia is a nation that has big potential to continue growing up, despite of its complex problems. One of that big potential is factor of demographic trends held by Indonesia. Based on data of Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), ratio of productive age group will increase from 67,4% in 2010 (population 237,6 million) to 69,7 % in 2025. This fact can give us illustration and projection such as golden ages that in economy we can called demographic dividend era. Beside of this optimism fact, in the other side Indonesia also face serious employment problem, namely imbalance between employment space and sum of productive labor force, that can raise high rate of open unemployment. Entrepreneurship is an ideal solution in order decreasing rate of unemployment in Indonesia. Based on data of Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, rate of entrepreneur period of January 2012 is 1.56%. Related with low ratio of entrepreneur in Indonesia, it takes effort to grow people interest on entrepreneurship and grow entrepreneurship capacity that already exist. Facts on the ground stated that SME-s in Indonesia has many weaknesses, not only structural but also cultural. Also there is a factor that have constraint for growing up of SME-s in Indonesia is venture capital problem. Capital is a stimulus power and leverage power for SME-s units in Indonesia. Based on that explanation, it is necessary continuously implemented of stimulus from policy maker, business expert business practitioners, and also academics to give stimulus power in developing SME-s and to provide stimulus power of SME-s and also find alternative solution related to capital problem. Research on low interest of SME-s business people to acces capital funds from banking financial services need to need to be studied further, also choices of type of bank that give more spaces for entrepreneur also need a concern for policy making This research was conducted to study various existing research related to understanding preferences of SME-s business people in choosing partner bank for funding the business. Research methodology using descriptive method. The data used are secondary data as a material to determine brand preferences and also bank selection criteria based on the results of existing research, which can be used as a reference for donors productive working capital for the SME-s sector. From the results of research revealed that there are main reason many business people in choosing its funding partner in Sharia Banking such as : 1) Equal to Islam Value ; 2) Save and Benefit; 3) Near Location; 4) If Any Surplus. The conclusion that can be taken from the analysis are business peoples in sharia banking industry must actively understanding the preferences and criteria of SME-s business people in accessing venture funding. Authors recommend to make activity that close to the community (business peoples of SME-s) which aims to educate the sharia products and services, also management assistance to businesses that recently evolve, so sharia banking can be a solution for growing SME-s sector up in Indonesia.


