Matrealism Forms Consumer Compulsive Buying With Fashion Orientation As Mediation (Survey On @Appleblossom.Id Followers)
Changes in people's lifestyles regarding technology are becoming increasingly interesting to study. The
existence of increasingly developing technology demands changes in the materialistic behavior of
consumers who are increasingly high in order to maintain their existence. For example, the development
trend of clothing fashion makes a compulsive buying pattern that requires them to follow it. On the other
hand, negative behavior emerges from the pattern of compulsive behavior and on the other hand, social
views make him happier in that behavior.
This study aims to analyze the effect of materialism on compulsive buying mediated by fashion orientation.
The population in this study were all followers of Appleblossom Store Purwokerto. The sample size in this
study was 100 consumers. Convenience sampling method is used in sample selection. The analytical tool
used in this research is simple linear regression method.
The results of the analysis show that the materialism have a positive effect on compulsive buying.
Furthermore, materialism affects fashion orientation and consumer's fashion orientation affects compulsive
buying. The managerial implication of this research can be used as a reference regarding the development
of a clothing fashion marketing strategy which is strongly influenced by technological developments that
make changes in the nature of consumers become more materialistic because they see the latest fashion
trends so as to make potential profits through compulsive purchases made.
Keywords: Materialism, Fashion Orientation, Compulsive Buying.
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