Digipreneurship Concept for Enhancing SMEs Performance on Post Pandemic Covid-19
Pandemic situation has embracing all sector , including economics. Small Medium Entreprises (SMEs) has bear the most damaging affect of those pandemic. To attain those effect SMES need to revitalize their bussiness strategy. One of strategy they used is to digitilize their marketing activities. This paper will examine the importance of digipreneurship concept application on SMES bussiness strategy as the way to cope the situation. Application of digipreneurship concept in SMES operational activities has proved successfully can enhancing SMES performance.
Keywords : digitalization; digipreneurship; performance.
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https://www.ekon.go.id/publikasi/detail/2939/ Dukungan Pemerintah Bagi UMKM Agar Pulih di Masa Pandemi - Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Republik Indonesia, 28 April 2021