Millenial’s Job Choice: An Empirical Study on Employer Branding


  • Disa Obi Sobriyah Universitas Jenderal Soediman
  • Siti Zulaikha Wulandari Universitas Jenderal Soediman
  • Retno Kurniasih Universitas Jenderal Soediman


 The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of Employer Branding on millennial’s intention to apply for a job. Employer Branding consist of work environment, compensation and benefits, corporate reputation, corporate vision and leadership, and corporate social and environmental. Research population is the final-year college students. Purposive sampling technique was applied with two specific sample’s criterias that are have a desire to apply for a job and born between year 1995-2000. The hypothesis testing method used descriptive analysis techniques and moderation regression analysis with SPSS program. The results showed that Work Environment, Compensation and Benefits, Corporate Reputation, Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility, had a positive and significant effect on millennial talent’s intention to apply for a job. Meanwhile, corporate vision and leadership had no effect.


Keywords: Employer Branding, Intention to Apply for a Job


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