Effect of Brand Image and Social Media Ads Effectiveness to Indihome Purchase Decision (Case Study of Telkom Witel Purwokerto)
Progress technology at this moment is an opportunity can used by Telkom, provide internet as one of the needs to could interact and do activity from home. What Telkom can do is to more expand range information related retail internet products that is Indihome with promote using digital media in particular through social media ads. This research objectives is for evaluate influence brand image of Telkom and social media advertisements that have conducted by Telkom Witel Purwokerto to decision consumer for use Indihome as a home internet provider. Data collected with a questionnaire that uses 5- point Likert scale on candidates consumer Indihome in Purwokerto. Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Square (PLS) is used for test connection causal between construct. Research results prove that social media ads have influence significant to decision consumer in to purchase Indihome. Implication managerial from study this is need existence method for push effectiveness advertising on social media for higher decision purchase Indihome.
Keywords: Social Media Advertising, Brand Image, Purchase Decision Consumer, Indihome
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