A Preliminary Study of Formulating Strategic Design to Encouraging Green Tourism in Cikakak Village, Sub-district Wangon

Rahab Rahab, Lani'ah Lani'ah


Tourism is a potential sector to improve the economic welfare of the community. Tourism grows in various forms, one of which is a tourist village. Various forms of tourism are always required to develop to meet market demand. Sustainable tourism development is a challenge for tourism managers. The concept of green tourism is one of the solutions for sustainable tourism development. Green tourism is a tourism development concept with a minimum of environmental damage caused, improving the economic welfare of the community and still preserving the existing culture. This preliminary study aims to formulate the design strategies to encourage green tourism pioneers in Cikakak Village. Data obtained from the process of observation, interviews and literature studies. The result is that social marketing is needed as a strategy to encourage green tourism. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for designing social marketing strategies to encourage green tourism, especially for managers in Cikakak Tourism Village.

Keywords: tourism development, social marketing, green tourism.

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