Determinants the Success of Small and Medium Culinary Enterprises in Mulyasari Tasikmalaya.
Mulyasari is one of eight urban villages in Tamansari District, Tasikmalaya City, along with the increase in population, there is also an increase in the culinary productive economic business activities to meet the population's needs for processed food consumption carried out by Micro and Small Enterprises. This study aims to know the determinants of initial capital, business experience, number of workers, length of working hours, and large of business places on the business success of culinary MSEs in Mulyasari, business success in this case measured by profit. This research was conducted in May 2022 with 53 culinary MSEs as respondents, the analysis technique using multiple linear regression.
The results of data analysis: 1. Variables of initial capital, business experience, number of workers, length of working hours, and large of business places have a significant effect on the success of the culinary MSEs business in Mulyasari; 2. Partially the variables of initial capital, business experience, number of workers, and length of working hours have a significant positive effect on business success, while the variable large of business places has a significant negative effect on the business success of culinary MSEs in Mulyasari; 3. The variable length of working hours is the most dominant variable affecting business success.
The implication is that MSEs culinary entrepreneurs should need to increase capital, business experience, a number of workers, length of working hours through capital accumulation activities, money capital, social capital, improvement of skills and the number of workers, and working hours as the most influential variable it is necessary to increase working hours, while the large of business place variable needs to be adjusted to the capacity of products because the wider place of business it will increase the cost burden.
Keywords: Business Success, Profit, Small and Medium Enterprises, Culinary
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