The Effect of Partner Network Capability towards Business Performance of Batik MSMEs in Banyumas and Purbalingga Regencies
Business performance for MSMEs Batik is the spearhead of income and business operations. Moreover it could be shown from marketing performance. The current relational management aspect for MSMEs, is relatively rarely understood because these aspects must combine aspects of relationship capability with the distribution partner network of the Batik MSME network. This study aims to determine the effect of partner network capabilities to improve the business performance of Batik SMEs in the districts of Banyumas and Purbalingga. This study uses the dependent variable of business performance and the independent variables of partner network capability, entrepreneurial orientation, and customer response speed. This study used 120 MSME respondents in Banyumas and Purbalingga during January until May 2022. Analysis with SEM PLS was used in this study. The results of the study show that the influence of partner network capability, entrepreneurial orientation, and the speed of responding to customers influence business performance.
Keywords: Partner network capability; entrepreneurial orientation; customer response speed; business performance.
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