Technological Context Toward Social Media Adoption: Perceived Ease of Use as Mediating Variable
Currently MSMEs are one of the contributors to the country's economic development, not a few MSMEs use technology as a marketing tools because they feel the ease with the existence of technology, one of which is the use of social media. This paper aims to determine the mediating role of perceived ease of use on the influence of technological context (relative advantage, complexity and compatibility) toward social media adoption in SMEs. Data were collected by conducting an online questionnaire to 72 respondents that joined in Tuka Tuku Purbalingga and analyzed using PLS. The result of this research show that complexity and compatibility directly affect social media adoption,complexity directly affects perceivedease of use, and perceived ease of use indirectly affect complexity through social media adoption.
Keywords: Relative Advantages, Complexity, Compatibility, Social Media Adoption, Perceived Ease of Use.
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