The Impact of Personal Selling (Case Study on Home Design)


  • Jaja Abdul Jalil Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Pramono Hari Adi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Nur Choirul Afif Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Competition between businesses is becoming more stringent than before, this is especially the case in the field of interior design which has developed throughout Indonesia. The availability of interior design services facilitates the arrangement of space and the actualization of the client's desired aesthetic goals. Because with the help of interior design services, they can get the look and feel that is exactly the same as the room they dream of. In the face of business competition, you must choose the right marketing strategy. One of the most successful marketing strategies is to engage in one-on-one interaction (personal selling). Several factors that can be influenced by personal selling, among others: buying interest and purchasing decisions / decisions to use services. The purpose of this article is to generate hypotheses for use in further research. Article review is one of the methods used in this paper, a method with a literature study approach sourced from previous research and supporting literature.

Keywords: Personal selling, buying interest and purchasing decisions.


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