The Effect Of Work Culture Change Program And Employee Motivation On Employee Performance At The Bank Indonesia Representative Office (Kpwbi) Purwokerto
This study analyzes the effect of the program of changing work culture and employee motivation on employee performance at KPwBI Purwokerto. Every employee is required to be able to perform high through changes in organizational culture that are carried out as an effort to achieve the organization's vision and mission. However, internalization carried out for all employees received different responses and responses so that it affected employee motivation and performance.
The method used in this study is through data collection which is carried out using a questionnaire or questionnaire technique, namely the method of data collection carried out by asking respondents to answer a list of questions that have been prepared and the type of research conducted in the form of causal associative, namely research that aims to analyze the relationship or influence between two or more variables and analyze the influence between variables
These various responses will have an impact on the organization so that the success of the organization will depend on the results of the changes in work culture carried out. Based on the analysis, the influence of work culture on employee performance is positive and work motivation on employee performance is positive.
Keywords: Work Culture, Work Motivation, Employee Performance
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