The Influence of Real Earning Management On Company Value With Managerial Ownership As Moderating Variable
This study aims to determine the impact of real earning management on company value with managerial ownership as moderating variable. The populations are consumer manufacturing companies on the Indonesian stock exchange in 2018-2020. The result of this study are: (1) Abnormal cash flow operation has a negative and significant influence on company value; (2) Abnormal discretionary expense has a negative and significant influence on company value; (3) Abnormal production cost has a positive and significant influence on company value; (4) Managerial ownership has no effect on to value company; (5) Abnormal cash flow operation with managerial ownership as a moderating has no effect on company value; (6) Abnormal discretionary expense with managerial ownership as a moderating has no effect on company value; (7) abnormal production cost with managerial ownership as a moderating has no effect to company value.
Keywords: Real Earning Management; Company Value; Managerial Ownership.
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