Bootstrap Financing Practices in Small Enterprises to Support Rural Green Tourism
Rural tourism is surrounded by various forms of small business that face serious financial challenge during the covid-19 pandemic. In this study, we use phenotypic traits as a lens to investigate how bootstrapping affects the success of small businesses during the covid-19 pandemic. To better understand entrepreneurial behavior, this study investigates small business bootstrapping in the green tourism domain. Based on a survey of 123 small company owners and interviews with 8 entrepreneurs in the zone, this study creates a taxonomy of bootstrapping strategies and investigates their constituent elements and logics. Additional qualitative research was conducted to confirm the taxonomy of entrepreneurial bootstrap behavior. The report presents a comprehensive picture of bootstrap funding in small businesses. With this research, we gain a better knowledge of how small enterprises approach resource mobilization and why entrepreneurs use specific bootstrapping tactics.
Keywords: Bootstrap, Financing, Small Business, Rural Area, Green Tourism
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