Application of Independent Learning in Productive Learning in Increasing Teacher Motivation at Ma'arif Nu Paguyangan Vocational School, Brebes Regency


  • Mardiyanto Mardiyanto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


This article discusses the application of independent learning in productive learning (Light Vehicle Engineering, Motorcycle Business Engineering) in increasing teacher motivation at Ma'arif NU Paguyangan Vocational School to know the application and influence of independent learning on productive learning in Ma'arif NU Paguyangan Vocational School.

This type of research is qualitative research with a case study method. By using a pedagogic approach, observation, interviews, and documentation. While the analytical tools used to measure the phenomena in this study are the results of interviews with productive teachers, the results of the principal's assessment, and field observations. So before that, the researchers compiled interview and observation guidelines. The theory used is the theory of motivation.

Based on the results of interviews and observations, for approximately one year the implementation of independent learning has not seen significant results. Educators are still adapting, but the motivation of educators is also not clear. It is hoped that in the future independent learning will have a good impact on teacher motivation in teaching in the classroom. Because by implementing independent learning, teachers can provide opportunities for students to learn with various media, teachers must be ready to face changes in the world of education, always update knowledge and information, and get used to digitalization.

This research is also expected to be a motivation to continue to improve the quality of education, especially in SMK Maarif NU Paguyangan.

Keywords: Freedom to Learn; Productive Learning, Motivation.


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