How To Be an Excellent Team ? Total Productive Maintenance Case Study In Cemen Manufacturing


  • Arif Rahman Husain Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Achmad Sudjadi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Refius Pradipta Setyanto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia was assigned a Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) activity by the Indonesia cement holding group (PT Semen Indonesia Group) to support the company's vision to become a leading provider of building materials in the region. With the aim of sharing best practices in factory operations,utilizing sustainable practices, transforming into an integrated performance-driven culture, conducting a wave of improvement in the industrial era 4.0 so as to increase the Overall Equipment Effectiveness of each factory through small group activities in total productive activities. maintenance. This will be achieved if there is an excellent team which is marked by the innovation produced by the team. The research problem is why innovation only appears in certain teams even though the whole team has received the same training and assistance and the same assessment is carried out in each quarterly routine assessment in the TPM award event with the management level being actively involved and supporting and coaching several SGA (smallgroup activity) teams that became task force. The research was conducted using the case study method, where the researcher entered the research object, the researcher focused on observing, describing, interpreting and analyzing. As well as conducting in-depth interviews through semistructured multilevel questions at the Cilacap Plant, conducting focus group discussions, analyzing data from documents and archives. Triangulate data through data archives for assessment of TPM activities and innovation champions to produce pattern recognition formulas that can be replicated in all other teams. Found obstacles that hinder the emergence of innovation and how innovation is raised in a team becomes the object of this research. So that it is found that pattern recognition to become an excellent team requires a combination of a creative process that is supported by a psychologically safe environment and produced by people who have the characteristics of "high need for autonomy, highly motivated integrated regulation, altruism, organizational citizenship behavior, and affectiveness. work commitment. An additional factor that helps make it easier for a team to become an innovation champion is maximizing momentum

Keywords: Total Productive Maintenance, Creative Process,Personal characteristics, Climate Team.


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