The Relationship between Service Quality and Loyalty of Outpatient BPJS Patients at Kartini General Hospital with Patient Satisfaction Mediation as Variable
The experience felt by patients after receiving services at health facilities is an indicator of the quality of health services that need to be considered, so that patients are always loyal to the hospital. There was a decrease in the number of out patient BPJS patient visits at RSU Kartini Lampung from 2020 - 2021 as many as 621 people and the level of patient satisfaction did not meet the standards in 2021 by 55%. Therefore, this study aims to assess the effect of service quality on outpatient loyalty at Kartini general hospital with patient satisfaction as a mediation variable. This study used a quantitative-based cross- sectional design, the population reached were patients who used outpatient services at RSU Kartini in September 2022. The sampling technique was non-probability sampling, 40 samples were selected using the purposive sampling method. To determine the direct and indirect relationship between these variables, the data were analyzed using regression analysis with the Sobel test through SPSS. The results showed that service quality had a positive effect on patient loyalty and patient satisfaction. While patient satisfaction has a positive effect on patient loyalty. The indirect effect of service quality on patient loyalty through patient satisfaction is mediated absolutely.
Keywords: Service quality, patient satisfaction, patient loyalty, outpatient, BPJS.
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