Purchase Desicion: Income, Promotion, and Product Quality Analysis (Study Case Subsidized Home Ownership Credit in PT Cirebon Sentosa Raya)
Cirebon City's population is growing, and so is the demand for homes. In order to encourage low-income individuals to purchase homes, the Subsidized Home Ownership Credit (KPR) plays a critical role. The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the variables that affect the subsidized KPR (Home Ownership Credit) purchase decision at PT Cirebon Sentosa Raya. Descriptive quantitative study is what we're doing here. Sources of information that combine primary and secondary data. With the use of the SPSS 25 application, multiple linear regression analysis is the method utilized to analyze the data. The simultaneous test (F-test) results reveal that income, promotion, and product quality significantly influence consumers' decisions to buy Subsidized Home Ownership Credit (KPR) at PT Cirebon Sentosa Raya. The results of the partial test (t-test) then demonstrate that each variable in terms of income, promotion, and product quality has an impact on consumers' decisions to acquire Subsidized Home Ownership Credit (KPR) at PT Cirebon Sentosa Raya.
Keywords:Income, Promotion, Product Quality, Purchase Desicion.
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