Dimensional Analysis of Dissatisfaction Against Brand Switching
Brand switching is a brand switching made by consumers by buying products of the same category but with different brands. This study aims to identify the factors that influence brand switching, namely dissatisfaction with technical quality, dissatisfaction with information quality, dissatisfaction with community support and dissatisfaction with post consumption that affect brand switching. This study uses quantitative methods with multiple linear regression analysis test equipment. The sample used was 109 respondents with the sampling technique using the purposive sampling method. The results showed that dissatisfaction with technical quality had a positive effect on brand switching. Dissatisfaction with information quality has a positive effect on brand switching. Dissatisfaction with community support has a positive effect on brand switching. Dissatisfaction with post consumption individually has a positive influence on brand switching.
Keywords: Dissatisfaction with technical quality, dissatisfaction with information quality, dissatisfaction with community support, dissatisfaction with post commsumption, brand switching.
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