Factors Influencing Online Repurchase Intention of Herbal Products


  • Anindhiya Setyaningrum Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Asih Ahistasari Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong
  • Sri Murni Setyawati Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Najmudin Najmudin Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


The pandemic has changed many things, including changes in consumer behavior. One of these behavioral changes is online shopping which has increased very rapidly in recent years. Health products, especially herbal products, are the favorite products of online shopping consumers. This is in line with the increase in healthy lifestyle behaviors during the pandemic. However, the repurchase of herbal products in online shopping is still low. This research aims to identify the factors that influence the repurchase intention of herbal products on online shopping consumers. This research is qualitative research with a systematic literature review approach by conducting a review of articles that traced through Google Scholar. A literature search process resulted on 34 selected articles. The outcome identified that there are 7 factors that influence the repurchase intention of herbal products in online shopping consumers, these factors are price perception, brand image perception, service quality, product quality, customer satisfaction, perceived value, information and promotion.

Keywords: Systematic literature review, qualitative descriptive, repurchase intention, herbal products, online shopping


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