Standard Analysis Of Drug Procurement And Planning In Some Private Pharmacies In Banjarnegara Regency In 2022

Beta Barasila Nirma Handalis, Sudarto Sudarto, Haris Budi Widodo


Aspect most important from service pharmacy is optimizing use medicine. That thing included in the planning for ensure availability,safety, and effectiveness use medicine. Planning and procurement drug is the most important part for all facility service health. On some Pharmacies in the District Banjaregara , error planning medicine caused by delay payment invoice , vacancy factories and facilities infrastructure of less PBF fast cause inefficiency service to society . Study this aim: for knowing description standard planning and procurement medicine at 3 pharmacies private sector in district Banjarnegara.Method Research:Research design this character descriptive and data collection retrospective,that is with see written data source i.e., data on month June until with August 2022. Data in the form of qualitative and quantitative accompanied party interview related. The Selection and Procurement stages are measured efficiency with use DOEN indicators issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2002) and Pudjaningsih (1996). Result: At stage selection, suitability available drugswith DOEN already Fulfill standard, show amount percentage The suitability of drug items available in DOEN at Pharmacy A is 68%, Pharmacy B is 60% and Pharmacy C is 57%. At stage procurement quantity frequency procurement each medicine items per year at Apothecary A and B are classified as category tall whereas Pharmacy C frequency procurement of drug items Medium. Booking drug, A, B and C pharmacies in 3 months can reached 14x at Pharmacy A, 8x at Pharmacy B, and 6x at Pharmacy C. Frequency completeness letter order that is no there is error order, which means already effective. Frequency delay payment pharmacy to the time that has been agreed i.e., 0 times in 3 months, which means already effective.

Keyword:Drugs, Planning, Procurement, Pharmacy

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