The Effect Of Customer Trust And Service Quality On Post Purchase Intention Through Customer Satisfaction On Online Grab Transportation (Survey Of Grab Customers In Purworejo)


  • Aldino Aldino Universitas Jendral Soedirman
  • Agus Suroso Universitas Jendral Soedirman


This study aims to determine the effect of Customer Trust and Perceived Service on Post Purchase Intention through Customer Satisfaction in Grab Online Transportation (Survey of Grab users in Purworejo). Based on preliminary research by conducting interviews with 10 users of grab services in Purworejo. Their answers can be summarized as follows: (1) three out of 10 customers stated that they use Grab's services because the fares provided are very in line with what they expected, so they only use Grab as an online transportation service; (2) five out of 10 customers stated that they chose the grab service because they were satisfied with the services provided by Grab, so they only used Grab as an online transportation service; (3) two out of 10 customers stated that they feel comfortable with Grab and are willing to recommend Grab to the people around them and have the intention to use Grab in the future.

The problem in this research is Post-Purchase Intention. Post-purchase (post-purchase) is a post- purchase evaluation that involves a number of concepts, including consumer expectations, satisfaction, doubts and feedback mechanisms. Satisfaction is an important emotion of this stage and is a determinant for future buying behavior (Loudon &Bitta, 1993). The object of this research is Grab customers in Purworejo. Sampling using the No Probability Sampling method. In this study, data from questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive quantitative methods. The hypothesis testing of this research was carried out with the help of SPSS Version 25 software. These values can be seen from the results of a significance of 5%.

The object of this research is Grab users in Purworejo Regency. Sampling using the Non Probability Sampling method. In this study, data from questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive and quantitative methods. The hypothesis testing of this research was carried out with the help of SPSS software. These values can be seen from the results of a significance of 5%. The results of the study show that (1) Customer trust has a positive and significant effect on post purchase intention. (2) Customer trust has a positive and significant effect on post purchase intention. (3) Customer Satifaction is not able to mediate the influence of customer trust on post purchase intention of Grab users in Purworejo. (4) Customer satisfaction is not able to mediate the effect of service quality on post purchase intention of Grab users in Purworejo

Keywords: Customer Trust, Perceived Service, Post Purchase Intention, Customer Satisfaction


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