The Effect Of Visibility, Tangibel, And Reliability On Quality Of Service In Class D Hospital In The Regency Of Kebumen, Central Java


  • Cahyo Widianto aka Totok Universitas Jenderal Sudirman
  • Adi Indrayanto Universitas Jenderal Sudirman
  • Haris Budi Widodo Universitas Jenderal Sudirman


Hospital is a facility or place that organizes health efforts. It is hoped that with the existing regulations and laws, a hospital can serve to treat patients well and completely. Understanding the needs and desires of nurses in their daily work is also an important thing that will affect performance and can reduce the stress felt by nurses. Quality of service can be created one of them. Good hospital system governance, which is influenced by various factors such as visibility, tangible and reliability. This research onvisibility has been carried out in a previous study by Gharaveis, 2018. It is entitled “The inuence of visibility on staff face-to-face communication and efficiency in emergency departments.”, In this study, it is more inclined to the effectiveness of staff communication in the emergency room. This research is a quantitative research, which is a field survey (problem solving survey) based on the main problems found in the field using a questionnaire. The results of this study agree that the ability of nurses has a significant effect on the quality of health services.Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that Visibility, Tangibility, Reliabilitysignificant positive effect on the service quality of Class D Hospital in Kebumen Regency.

Keywords:Visibility, Tangibility, reliability, quality of service, emergency department.


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