The Relationship Marketing Practices on Priority Customer Trust Levels in Depositing Funds at Bank BRI Purwokerto During the Pandemic


  • Desy Ceria Wati Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Agus Suroso Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Weni Novandari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


The banking industry in Indonesia is currently quite fragmented, with various challenges with globalization. The covid-19 pandemic does not only affect the health sector, but the economic sector also affected including the banking industry. Customer trust is one of the issues that needs to be considered, especially funds obtained from third parties (priority customers) which make a significant contribution to the sustainability of the bank and provide a profit value for the bank. This is due to various phenomena that occur in society including failures in business, decreased turnover, increased rates of investment-related fraud and banking cases that occur in pandemic. This research was conducted to see how important the role of relationship marketing practice is to the trust of priority customers to save their funds at Bank BRI Purwokerto branch during the covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted to members of RM Dana officer at Bank BRI Purwokerto, to analyze relationship marketing practices that have been carried out using direct interview techniques. These results are then analyzed by looking at the development of the number of priority customers based on the annual report from Bank BRI Purwokerto before and during the pandemic. The results of the study show that there is an increase in the number of funds and priority customers during the pandemic. This increase was influenced by changes in the approach strategy to customers carried out by the RM Dana team during the pandemic. In addition to the reputation of Bank BRI as a banking industry under BUMN which increases the trust of priority customers.

Keywords: BRI Purwokerto, Customer trust, Priority customer, Relationship marketing


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