Analysis Of Health Services Through Importance Performance Analysis Theory (IPA) And Service Quality Method
Balai Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat (BKPM) seeks to improve the quality of services in order to achieve patient satisfaction. One of the ways to measure the quality of health services from the Health Center is by knowing the patient's satisfaction with the service. The vision of BKPM as one of the prime health service units, evenly distributed and affordable by the community in order to support the achievement of optimal health status. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of health services to the community, especially in the treatment center by measuring the level of patient satisfaction.
Research methods with the Importance Performance Analysis Theory (IPA) approach mapped in a Cartesian diagram which is divided into 4 areas or quadrants, namely attributes to improve – top priority (A), maintain performance – achievement priority (B), attributes to maintain – low priority (C).) and attributes to de-emphasize – final priority (D). Determination of the position of an attribute into the 4 regions is the average value of the attribute as a whole. BPKM needs to maintain and improve existing achievements. Some things that need to be taken into consideration are having sufficient time to communicate with patients, responding to complaints properly, and providing information clearly.
Keywords: Satisfaction; Health Services; Importance Performance Analysis Theory
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