Analysis Of The Quality Of Health Services After The Covid-19 Pandemic At The Kutamendala Health Center, Brebes Regency


  • Intan Ayu Larasati Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Adi Indrayanto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Eman Sutrisna Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


The Covid-19 pandemic has occurred since the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China  and almost all countries have contracted the virus, including Indonesia. Identification of covid-19 cases in Brebes Regency dated August 7, 2022, with a total of 15,896 confirmed cases, confirmed recoveries of 2,680 cases, and deaths recorded 1,741 cases (Covid Task Force, 2022). The Covid-19 pandemic has not only had a bad impact on the global economy, but also on health systems in many countries, and has an impact on the health service system both in First Level Health Facilities and in Advanced Health Facilities. This study examines the analysis of health services during the COVID-19 pandemic at the First Level Health Facility, in this case in the selection of the Kutamendala Health Center, Brebes Regency which was carried out 2 years after the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: The method used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach and SWOT Analysis, the instrument in this study with an in-depth interview method was carried out to the management of puskesmas, direct observation and also evidence of searching standard operating procedures documents during the Covid-19 pandemic. Research Objectives: to determine the quality of health services and the flow of services in the Kutamendala Health Center, Regency after the Covid-19 pandemic. Results: Research results obtained from the SWOT analysis and seen from quality indicators, namely Tangiable, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and also emphaty at the Kutamendala Health Center have been carried out properly and in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures Conclusion: There is an improvement in the quality of service after the pandemic while still prioritizing health protocols. Suggestion: it is hoped that the Kutamendala Health Center will continue to improve the quality of services after the pandemic and again become the first choice for the community to carry out health services.

Keywords: Health Services, Kutamendala Health Center, Covid-19 Pandemic


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