Evaluation of Drug Management in Pharmaceutical Installation Dr. Soesilo Hospital, Tegal Regency


  • Ardini Ayu Saptanti Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Drug management is an important aspect for hospitals, especially in the stages of selection, planning, and procurement, distribution, and use. Inefficiency and poor drug management can cause losses for the hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine the management of drugs in the Pharmacy Installation of the dr. Soesilo, Tegal Regency whether it has met the standards set. This research is descriptive- evaluative with retrospective and concurrent data collection. The data obtained are grouped into quantitative data which is presented in tabular form to see changes visually, and qualitative data obtained through observation and interviews. The data obtained were analyzed using indicators and compared with standards. The target population is all data in the form of documents for 2020 and 2021 as well as data observed when this research took place at the Pharmacy Installation of the Regional General Hospital Dr. Soeselo, Tegal Regency. The results of this study become input for the Pharmacy Installation of the Regional General Hospital Dr. Soeselo Tegal Regency in implementing effective and efficient drug management. This research can be a source of information for the Regional General Hospital Dr. Soeselo Tegal Regency in the context of determining policy directions in terms of drug management.

Keywords: Hospital Pharmacy, Drug Management, Drug Management Cycle, Hospital Services, Pharmacy Installation


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