Relationship Of System Quality To User Satisfaction Through The Implementation Of Electric Medical Record At RSGM Unsoed


  • Kharin Anggraeheni Putri Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Refius Pradipta Setyanto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Budi Aji Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


RSGM Unsoed is one of the most complex public service providers by providing promotive, preventive,curative and rehabilitative health services. To carry out its duties and functions, hospitals need to besupported by effective and efficient technology to accelerate the process of health services. One way iswith the role or function of electronic medical records. The problem that often arises when the medicalrecord information system is still not integrated is the lack of linkagebetweeneach health serviceprovider in terms of information in medical records. In fact, patients can have health checks at differenthealth care providers at a certain time. If there is no connection between each health care provider, thesame examination will occur over and over again. Whereas previous medical record data is very useful insubsequent health checks. This greatly helps reduce the possibility of errors in service. This study aims toanalyze the relationship between system quality and user satisfaction through the implementation ofelectronic medical records at RSGM Unsoed. This research uses quantitative analysis with cross sectionalstudy method. This research uses quantitative analysis with cross sectional study method. The sampling technique used saturated sampling to select 30 research respondents. Data collection using a questionnairetool. The results and implications of the study indicate that the quality of the system has a positiveinfluence on user satisfaction. The better the quality of the system used, the easier it is for paramedics tohelptreatpatientsappropriately.

Keywords: System Quality, User Satisfaction, Electronic Medical Records


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