Management Of Preventing The Spread Of Hoax By Bhabinkamtibmas In Cilacap Police Station
The phenomenon of hoaxes is increasingly widespread, especially during the Covid-19 period which makes people restless and will result in disruption of public security and order (Kamtibmas). Police as civil servants try to maintain the situation of Kamtibmas through Bhabinkamtibmas (Bhayangkara builder of security and public order). Therefore, this study aims to determine the description of the spread of hoaxes at the Cilacap Resort Police, the extent to which the role of Bhabinkamtibmas management in preventing the spread of hoaxes in order to create security and order at the Cilacap Police Station. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques with interviews, observations, document studies, and data analysis using source/data triangulation. Based on the results of the study, the implementation of the prevention of hoax news by Bhabinkamtibmas is not optimal because there are still deficiencies in the management of hoax news at each stage of the activity. Then the author suggested that Bhabinkamtibmas should improve coordination with the cyber patrol task force, prioritize socialization to the grassroots, create a WA group containing all stakeholders, public lectures on hoaxes.
Keywords: Prevention Management, Hoax spread, Bhabinkamtibmas
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