The Effect of Employee Involvement and Transformational Leadership on Readiness to Change With Perceived Organizational Support as Moderating Variable
Currently, the era of competition in the business world has undergone very significant changes. The dynamic and rapidly changing environment certainly makes the organization and the individuals in it must be able to have agile nature in order to adapt to the changes that occur. An organization needs to be adaptive to an increasingly complex environment with technological changes, global market changes, and regulatory changes that occur. Companies must be able to think and survive in the midst of changes in the external environment by making constructive changes to the company's internal environment. This study aims to examine the effect of employee involvement and transformational leadership on readiness to change with perceived organizational support as a moderating variable. This study uses quantitative methods using descriptive analysis. The results show that employee involvement affects readiness to change, transformational leadership affects readiness to change, perceived organizational support strengthens the relationship between the influence of employee involvement and leadership by 81%.
Keywords: Employee Engagement, Transformational Leadership, Readiness to Change, Perceived Organizational Support.
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