The Influence of the Capability of Badan Permusayawaran Desa (BPD) Member on the Supervision of Village Asset Management in Sokaraja District
Badan Permusyarawatan Desa or abbreviated as BPD is an institution that carries out government functions whose members are representatives of the Village population based on regional representation and are appointed democratically. The functions and duties of the BPD in the village administration are basically discussing and agreeing the draft of Village Regulation with the village head and monitoring the performance of the village head. BPD members should understand village laws, ministerial regulations regarding village government administration programs. The BPD is required to oversee the implementation of village government duties, especially in planning, utilization, and the use of village assets.
This study aims to identify the extent to which the implementation of role and functions of BPD in the village government, especially in the village wealth management, and factors that would influence the implementation of BPD tasks.
Keywords: BPD, village head, village assets
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